Corporate Speaking
Brain Power | World Economic Forum
The new science of neuroeconomics is revolutionising our understanding of how humans make decisions. In this presentation for the World Economic Forum, Michael Platt – a professor in neuroscience, psychology and marketing at the Wharton School – separates the “hope” from the “hype”. He discusses potential applications, including fine-tuning attempts to help people make healthy decisions, or more effectively guiding individuals towards products or jobs they will enjoy.
Dr Michael Platt. Your Brain on Democracy.
Dr Michael Platt's speech at the "Riga StratCom Dialogue", June 12, 2018. Panel "Informed or Influenced? The Art of Decision-Making".
Dr. Michael Platt: The Neuroscience of Friendship | Mind Science
We all need friends. Deeper and more numerous friendships promote health, well-being, survival, and even financial success. By contrast, social exclusion and loneliness evoke feelings of pain and ultimately declining health. In this talk, Professor Michael Platt will share his work exploring the biological mechanisms that mediate our ability and desire to connect and new applications of this knowledge to improve health, well-being, and business.
The Neuroscience of Team Effectiveness | AIIR Consulting, LLC
Michael Platt, Ph.D., renowned professor of neuroscience, psychology, and marketing and founder and director of the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative, discusses the neurochemical reactions that characterize effective teams at the Conference Board Team Effectiveness Pre-Conference Workshop, hosted by AIIR Consulting.
Kelly Speaks: Advertising During COVID | Beyond Indigo Pets
Today's Topics:
- Google Maps adds delivery, takeout options for restaurants
- Google Ad tips to keep ahead of the pack
- The importance of taking breaks when working from home
Leveraging Neuroscience for Business Impact: Dr Michael Platt
Spring 2018 Public Lecture
"Neuroeconomics: How Your Brain Decides"
April 3, 2018

Dr. Michelle McQuaid
Can You Lead With The Brain In Mind?
Today we’re talking to Michael Platt, a Penn Integrates Knowledge professor with appointments in the Department of Neuroscience, the Department of Psychology, and the Department of Marketing in the University of Pennsylvania.
In this week’s episode, we explore how understanding more about how our brain’s work can help us to thrive at work.
Wharton on SiriusXM
Prof. Michael Platt Explains the Neuroscience Behind Political Advertising
Michael Platt, Professor at Wharton and the University of Pennsylvania, joins host Dan Loney on Wharton Business Daily to discuss neuroscience behind political advertising.
Tax at the Speed of Tech
Neuroscience: Improving the Tax (Brain) Function
In this episode, host Chris D’Ambolo is joined by Dr. Michael Platt, Director of Wharton Neuroscience Initiative, to discuss:Improving brain function with neuroscience to better our lives, work, and creative thinking. The tools of modern neuroscience. Improving business through brain function. Minimizing brain fatigue and distractions. Movement to exercise the brain.
Wharton Business Daily
The Impact of Loneliness on Your Brain and Why Connection Is Key
Michael Platt, the James S. Riede University Professor at the Wharton School, joins the show to discuss loneliness, it's impact on the brain, and how remote workplaces do little to foster an engaged and social culture among younger workers.
Mission Critical Team Institute
The Neuroscience of Operator Development with Dr. Michael Platt
In this episode, Dr. Preston Cline and Dr. Micheal Platt talk about the role emotion plays in giving and receiving feedback. The implications of having a social brain and the way in which Synchrony is a precursor to the flow experience.
The BluePrint with Dr. Erik Korem
Dr. Michael Platt: The Neuroscience Behind Leadership
Dr. Michael Platt is the Director of the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania. Erik and Dr. Platt discuss practical methods to improve creativity, the social brain network, implications of virtual work, ADD and creativity, and so much more.
Wharton Neuroscience Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Trust
This series focuses on vulnerability, authenticity, and trust in individual, team, and organizational performance from diverse perspectives, including neuroscience and human behavior.
Episode 1:
Hosts: Michael Platt; Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson'; Leila Entezam
Guests: F. Xavier, VP of Mapping at McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.; Laken Tomlinson, Offensive Guard with San Francisco 49ers; Kay Warren, Co-Founder of Saddleback Church
Episode 2:
Hosts: Michael Platt; Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson; Leila Entezam
Guests: Luke Carlin, Catching Coordinator for the Cleveland Indians/Guardian; Matthew Hoffman, Senior Team Leader, FBI Miami SWAT; Susan Sweeney, SVP, Chief Human Resources Officer for EnPro Industries Inc.
Episode 3:
Hosts: Michael Platt; Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson; Leila Entezam
Guests: Emily Nelson, Flight Director, NASA; Al’ai Alvarez, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Well-Being, Stanford; Brian Ferguson, CEO and Founder, Arena Labs
Episode 4:
Hosts: Michael Platt; Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson; Leila Entezam
Guests: Ari Handel, President, Protozoa Pictures; Uri Hasson, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University; Clare Murphy, Storyteller